Example 1:
##CONVERT("Name", 'ü', 'ue') will convert all occurrences of "ü" in a field to "ue".
Example 2:
##CONVERT("Name", ' ', '_') will convert all occurrences of "' '" in a field to "_".
Source value: Rapidi A/S.
Destination value: Rapidi_A/S.
Example 3:
##CONVERT("Name", 'A/S', 'GmbH') will convert all occurrences of "A/S" to "GmbH".
Example 4:
All records containing the value "Sir" should be converted to "Mr.", therefore we specify:
##CONVERT('Sir ', 'Mr. '); with a blank at the end of "Sir" and a blank at the end of "Mr.".
If the blanks were omitted in this case, all the values beginning with "Sir" would be replaced with "Mr.". Accordingly, if a record contained the value "Siren" this too would be converted to "Mr." even though this was not intended.