Below you see an example of how to create a connection. Examples both in JSON and JSONAPI are provided.
NOTE: Remember to substitute the token (after Bearer) and the service id (the "[SERVICE ID]" below) to your own token and service id.
In this example, we are creating a NAV SQL connection with RapidiConnector.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST data = "{\"code\":\"CONN_NAVSQL\",\"description\":\"my new navsql connection with RapidiConnector\",\"connection_type\":\"ms_dynamics_nav_sql\", \"server_connect\":\"WIN-XXX\NAVDEMO\",\"database\":\"Demo Database NAV (X-0-X)\",\"account\":\"Cronus\", \"use_windows_authentication\": true, \"rapidiconnector\":{\"password\":\"\"}}"[SERVICE ID]/connections
The out-put for this example would be:
{ "id": "5", "code": "CONN_NAVSQL", "description": "my new navsql connection with RapidiConnector", "connection_type": "ms_dynamics_nav_sql", "server_connect": "WIN-XXXNAVDEMO"' "database": "Demo Database NAV (X-0-X)", "account": "Cronus", "use_windows_authentication": true, "user_id": null, "rapidiconnector": { "user_id": "CONN_NAVSQL_R", "password": "ECz2xxxxx" }, "comments": [] }
The user_id for the RapidiConnector will automatically be generated and if you leave the password blank it will also be generated automatically else it will set the password you specify.
In this example, we are creating a connection.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json" -X POST data = "{\"data\":{\"type\":\"connections\",\"attributes\":{\"code\":\"CONN_SFDC\",\"description\":\"SFDC connection\", \"connection_type\":\"salesforce_com\", \"user_id\":\"\",\"password\":\"xxx\", \"use_ssl\":true,\"sandbox\":true }} }"[SERVICE ID]/connections
The out-put for this example would be:
{ "data":{ "id": "2", "type": "connections", "attributes": { "code": "CONN_SFDC", "description": "SFDC connection", "connection_type": "salesforce_com", "user_id": "", "use_ssl": true, "sandbox": true }, "relationships": { "comments": { "data": [] } } } }