Below you see an example on how to list groups. Examples both in JSON and JSONAPI are provided.
NOTE: Remember to substitute the token (after Bearer) and the service id (the "[SERVICE ID]" below) to your own token and service id.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET[SERVICE ID]/groups
The out-put for this example would be:
{ { "id": "8", "code": "CONTACT", "description": "Contact Transfers", "comments": [] }, { "id":"2", "code": "CUSTOMER", "description": "Customer Transfers", "comments": [ { "created_at": "2017-08-27T16:14:57Z", "created_by": "mibock", "comment": "updated group" }, { "created_at": "2017-08-28T15:19:34Z", "created_by": "mibock", "comment": "<p>adjusted</p> - ready to run" } ] }, { "id":"5", "code": "INVOICE", "description": "Invoice Transfers", "comments": [] }, { "id":"3", "code": "ITEM", "description": "Item related Transfers", "comments": [] }, { "id":"4", "code":"ORDER", "description":"Opportunity/Order Transfers" "comments": [] } }
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" -H "Accept: application/vnd.api+json" -X GET[SERVICE ID]/groups
The out-put for this example would be:
{ "data": [ { "id":"8", "type": "groups", "attributes":{ "code": "CONTACT", "description": "Contact Tranfers" }, "relationships": { "comments": { "data": [ { "id":"10", "type": "comments" }, { "id":"12", "type": "comments" } ] } } }, { "id": "2", "type": "groups", "attributes": { "code": "INVOICE", "description": "Invoice Transfers" }, "relationships": { "comments": { "data": [] } } }, { "id": "3", "type": "groups", "attributes": { "code": "ITEM", "description": "Item related Transfers" }, "relationships": { "comments": { "data": [] } } }, { "id": "4", "type": "groups", "attributes": { "code":"ORDER", "description": "Opportunities/Order Transfers" }, "relationships": { "comments": { "data": [] } } } ], "included": [ { "id": "10", "type": "comments", "attributes": { "created_at": "2015-07-27T16:14:57Z", "created_by": "mibock", "comment": "updated" } }, { "id": "12", "type": "comments", "attributes": { "created_at": "2015-08-12T16:29:33Z", "created_by": "mibock", "comment": "<p>updated and ready</p>" } } ] }