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Support for MySQL Server. Both windows and Linux based servers are supported as long as you can connect to them from either a local server where you install the RapidiConnector (as described below) or that the MySQL server can be reached directly from our central service server.

The following versions of MySQL are supported

  • MySQL Server 5.0 and 5.1 or later
  • MySQL Server 4.0

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MySQL Server supported Data Types

Additional installation

MySQL requires MyODBC version 3.51.x or Connector/ODBC 5.1 installed on the computer where the RapidiConnector is installed. The RapidiConnector must be installed on a windows computer for now. The MySQL Server can be run under Linux.
If your MySQL is reachable from the internet, you can also delete the RapidiConnector for this MySQL Connector (use the trashcan on the RapidiConnector on the MyRapidi Connection) and then the Central Rapidi server service will connect directly to your MySQL server over the internet.

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Installing the RapidiConnector

MySQL Server Setup

  • The MySQL Server should be set up to use either InnoDB and BDB databases, so that transactions are enabled.
  • On the MySQL Server you need to grant access to the user:

GRANT ALL ON *.* TO "myuser"@"Addr"IDENTIFIED BY "mypassword"
where "Addr" is the IP Address of the computer where the RapidiConnector is installed.


The fields of the MySQL Connection are used as follows:

  • Code: The code for this connection is assigned when the Connection id is created and cannot be changed.
  • Description: Enter a short text describing this Connection. Please put in a good description here as the Code is always very generic and it is not easy to know what the connection is used for without a good description.
  • Server Connect: This field is used to enter the exact MySQL driver name for the MySQL ODBC driver that you have installed. If you leave the field empty, we will automatically use the MySQL ODBC driver that you have installed (we look for a driver with a name starting with "MySQL ODBC" and we use the first driver we find).
    If you enter a value in this field, we automatically put DRIVER= before the value.
    You can also put additional parameters for the connection string into this field. In this case, you have to start with the exact driver name and then add the additional parameters - like this:
    MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver; SSLCERT=cert1234;SSLKEY=mykey.key
    You should not put the terminating; as we will automatically put it.
  • Server Name/IP: Specify the name or the IP address of the MySQL Server. We will automatically put SERVER= before the value you enter.
  • Port: If your MySQL server is not using the default port 3306, then you can enter the port number here. We will automatically put PORT= before the value you enter
  • Database: Specify the name of the database on the MySQL Server. We will automatically put DATABASE= before the value you enter.
  • UserID: Here you enter the UserID to be used to connect to the MySQL database. We will automatically put USER= before the value you enter (the MySQL ODBC drivers allow you to use either USER= or UID= for this value).
  • Password: Here you enter the corresponding password for the User ID above. We will automatically put PASSWORD= before the value you enter (the MySQL ODBC drivers allow to use either PASSWORD= or PWD= for this value).

Copy, Test, Activate Changes and Read Design

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Copy Connection

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Connection Test

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Activate Changes

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Read Design