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Get Transfers

Below you can see several examples on how to list Transfers. Examples in JSON are provided.

NOTE: Remember to substitute the token (after Bearer) and the service id (the "xyz" below) to your own token and service id.

NOTE: The JSONAPI format is currently not supported for the "Get Transfers" command.

Use Cases:

Retrieving Transfers


Retrieve all transfers belonging to service xyz

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -H "Accept: application/json"
  -X GET

The output for this example would be:

  "id": 1,
  "description": "Testing Build Fieldlist with 677",
  "status": "Live",
  "group": "TEST100_GROUP",
  "source": "AXWS002",
  "source_layout": "SFORCE001",
  "destination": "AXWS002",
  "destination_layout": "ODBC002",
  "source_table": "Account",
  "destination_table": "Account",
  "link_storage": "CUST_US",
  "conversions": {
    "list": [
        "field_name": "data conversion",
        "from_value": "from",
        "to_value": "to",
        "disabled": false
    "comments": null
  "scatters": [
      "code": "A0_SCATTER_BUILDFIELD",
      "description": "change me",
      "destination_table": "Hugo",
      "enabled": false,
      "update": true,
      "add": true,
      "delete": false,
      "actions": false,
      "move": false,
      "delete_all": false,
      "autogenerate_key": false,
      "disable_dest_lookup": false,
      "all_fields": true,
      "comments": []
  "gathers": [],
  "subtransfers": []

Retrieving the same set of transfers, but with a flattened output:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -H "Accept: application/json"
  -X GET

The output for this example would be:

    "id": 1,
    "description": "Testing Build Fieldlist with 677",
    "transfer_type": "Transfer",
    "status": "Live",
    "group": "TEST100_GROUP",
    "source": "AXWS002",
    "source_layout": "SFORCE001",
    "destination": "AXWS002",
    "destination_layout": "ODBC002",
    "source_table": "Account",
    "destination_table": "Account",
    "link_storage": "CUST_US",
    "conversions": {
      "list": [
          "field_name": "jhgjjhg fie",
          "from_value": "from me22",
          "to_value": "to me44",
          "disabled": false
      "comments": null
    "id": 2,
    "code": "A0_SCATTER_BUILDFIELD",
    "maintransfercode": "A0_TEST_BUILDFIELDLILL",
    "transfer_type": "Scatter-transfer",
    "description": "change me",
    "destination_table": "Hugo",
    "enabled": false,
    "update": true,
    "add": true,
    "delete": false,
    "actions": false,
    "move": false,
    "delete_all": false,
    "autogenerate_key": false,
    "disable_dest_lookup": false,
    "all_fields": true,
    "comments": [],