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  • Rapidi offers a standard solution for Integrating and MS Dynamics AX.
  • The standard solution consists of a predefined setup of a number of Transfers in your Rapidi service.
  • In addition to this, you can choose to install a application called SalesHistory3 that contains objects to hold Posted Invoices and Customer Ledger Entries (visible on the Account object).
  • In general, the standard solution has been designed to cause a minimal change in your MS Dynamics AX.


Changes needed to accommodate the standard transfer setup for a solid AX-SFDC integration.

  • Add extra fields to the following tables in MS Dynamics AX whichever is applicable:
AX Table Fieldname Data Type Length Applicability Remarks
CUSTTABLE EXTERNALID Text 20 Customer integration This will be used to store the SFDC account id.
SALESLINE SOEXTERNALID Text 20 Sales order integration This will be used to store the sales order id that was transferred into SFDC.
CUSTINVOICETRANS INVEXTERNALID Text 20 Sales history integration This will be used to store the invoice id that was transferred into SFDC.


  • Add extra field to following objects in SDFC:
SFDC Object Fieldname Data Type Length External ID? Applicability Remarks
Account AXID__c Text 15 Yes Customer Integration Field to contain RECID from MS Dynamics AX
Account Legal_Entity__c Picklist N/A No   Field that contain a list of abbreviation for the AX company name. Used to specify which AX company this Account belongs to. Only required if you have more than one company in AX.
Account Transferred__c DateTime  N/A  No Customer Integration Datetime field to contain a timestamp that can be used as filter to not transfer the same Account twice and as information of when this Account was transferred from SDFC to AX. 


  • Custom fields required in SDFC:
SFDC Object Fieldname Data Type Length External ID? Applicability Remarks
Contact Transferred__c DateTime 15 Yes Contact Integration Datetime field to contain a timestamp that can be used as filter to not transfer the same contact twice and as information of when this contact was transfered from SDFC to AX.
Contact Contact_Person_ID__c Text 20   Contact Integration Datetime field to contain a timestamp that can be used as filter to not transfer the same contact twice and as information of when this contact was transferred from SDFC to AX.
Opportunity OrderNumber__c Text  20  Yes Opportunity Integration Field to hold the AX Sales Order number (automatically assigned in AX and written back to the Opportunity in SF).


Install new objects in

Sales History Integration

This is applicable for sales history integration.


Install new objects (SalesHistory3) in to transfer posted invoices and customer ledger entries from Microsoft Dynamics AX to


Below is the link to install the SalesHistory3 application in Salesforce production instance:


Below is the link to install the SalesHistory3 application in Salesforce sandbox instance:


Sales Order Integration

This is applicable for sales order integration.


Install an add-on to the SalesHistory3 app in in order to transfer a copy of open sales orders from Microsoft Dynamics AX to


Below is the link to install the add-on in Salesforce production instance:


Below is the link to install the add-on in Salesforce sandbox instance: