NAV Table Fieldname Data Type Length Applicablity Remarks Customer (Table 18) ExternalID Text 20 Customer integration This will be used to store the SFDC account id. Contact (Table 5050) ExternalID Text 20 Contact integration This will be used to store the SFDC contact id. Salesperson/Purchaser (table 13) ExternalID Text 20 Customer integration This will be used to store the SFDC user id. Normally applicable if the salesperson on the customer in NAV will be the account owner in SFDC.
Note: SFDC user and NAV Salesperson are normally synchronized using email address (can also use any other common fields)
Sales Header (table 36) OppExternalId Text 20 Opportunity integration This will be used to store the opportunity id. Sales Invoice Header (table 112) OppExternalId Text 20 Opportunity integration This will be used to store the opportunity id of the corresponding sales order.
Note: Use same field number as "OppExternalId" on table 36
Sales Cr_Memo Header (table 114) OppExternalId Text 20 Opportunity integration This will be used to store the opportunity id of the corresponding credit order.
Note: Use same field number as "OppExternalId" on table 36
Sales Line (table 37) SOExternalId Text 20 Sales order integration This will be used to store the sales order id that was transferred into SFDC.
Sales Invoice Line (table 113) InvoiceExternalId Text 20 Sales history integration This will be used to store the invoice id that was transferred into SFDC.
Note: DO NOT USE same field number as on table 37 (please check with our support). You might also need to add extra Permissions in order to write to these fields to a codeunit. Please check with our support.
Sales Cr.Memo Line (table 115) CMExternalId Text 20 Sales history integration This will be used to store the credit memo id that was transferred into SFDC.
Note: DO NOT USE same field number as on table 37 (please check with our support). You might also need to add extra Permissions in order to write to these fields to a codeunit. Please check with our support.
SFDC Object Fieldname Data Type Appplicability Remarks Account Legal_Entity__c Picklist Customer integration Field that contain a list of abbreviation for the NAV Company name. Used to specify what NAV Company this Account belongs to.
Only needed if you have more than one Company in NAV.Account New_Account_Number__c Autonumber Customer integration Autonumber field to contain a Number to be used as Customer No. in NAV.
This field is only needed if you want to create new Customers in NAV and if you are on NAV2009R1 or earlier (not using NAV WebServices).Contact ContactNumber__c Text20 Contact integration This will be used to store the NAV contact person id. Contact Legal_Entity__c Formula/Text Contact integration Account.Legal_Entity__c
This will be used to identify NAV company.Opportunity Legal_Entity__c Formula Opportunity integration
Only needed if you have more than one Company in NAV.Opportunity OrderNumber__c Text20 Opportunity integration
Field to hold the NAV Sales Order number (automatically assigned in NAV and written back to the Opportunity).
Install new objects in
Sales History integration
This is applicable for sales history integration.
Install new objects (SalesHistory3) in to transfer posted invoices and customer ledger entries from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to
Below is the link to install the SalesHistory3 application in Salesforce production instance:
Below is the link to install the SalesHistory3 application in Salesforce sandbox instance:
Sales Order integration
This is applicable for sales order integration.
Install an add-on to the SalesHistory3 app in in order to transfer a copy of open Sales Orders from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to
Below is the link to install the add-on in Salesforce production instance:
Below is the link to install the add-on in Salesforce sandbox instance: