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The Rapidi API is organised around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by any off-the-shelf HTTP clients. The JSON format is used in POST and PUT requests and also returned by all API responses, including errors.

We support both JSON and JSON API standard 1.0 and we will provide examples of both languages throughout the documentation. The JSON format is simple and minimalistic and can be used if you need to implement a few calls to our API and you are just coding the calls yourself. The JSON-API format is a standard that is supported by a number of tools. The overall functionality of the API is the same for both formats - same calls and same endpoints - you just specify which format to use when doing the request.

The code examples are formatted on several lines to be more reader-friendly, they must be written in one line for them to work. In general, we use curl in all examples, but you can use any tool (or even program your own way of submitting the HTTP requests). All examples should work directly - just copy the example into a command prompt, substitute the Authorization token with your own (that you get after creating an API user - see "Manage Users" - "renew API access token") and substitute the service id and data to something that you have access to through the normal user interface. The URLs for the API generally terminate in the same way as the URL's in the normal user interface.

Our current version is called version 2 because we already have our SOAP based API.

Currently, we have endpoints for Groups, Schedules, Schedule Tags, RTI, Logs, Connections and Link Storage Values. We will continue to add support for other endpoints and the goal is for you to be able to do everything that you can currently do through the normal user interface, through the REST API. Please let us know if you have some specific endpoints that you want us to prioritize.

Below you will first have a walkthrough of some generic features of the API (that are the same for all endpoints) and after this, the documentation for each specific endpoint.

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REST API Authentication

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REST API Requests

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REST API Responses

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REST API Rate Limiting

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REST API Filtering

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REST API Embedding

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REST API Transfers

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REST API Schedules

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REST API Schedule Tags

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REST API Connections

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REST API Link Storage Values

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REST API Messages

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