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  • 'Transfers' is the place where you can set up or configure the Transfers and you can also Run a specific Transfer manually from here.
  • A Transfer is a specification of how data should be transferred from a specific source table to a specific destination table. Hence a Transfer specifies both the Tables or objects to be exchanged and at the same time the direction for the data. If you need to transfer data in both directions, you need to create two different Transfers.
  • When a Transfer is running, it will transfer all the data in one single Transaction. When the transfer is done, a commit will be issued. If some error happens during the transfer, a rollback will be done (depending on support for commit/rollback in the systems in question) and you will be back to a well-known starting stage.

Working with Transfers

Navigating pages

  • You can navigate to subsequent pages of the Transfer list using the navigation (pagination) to the right or you can search specific Transfers by using the search field and the filter menu. 
Pagination: Show more, show less

  • The pagination: show more, show less feature allows you to select to show more or fewer records/lines on a page. For example for Transfers, we currently show 10 transfers per page.
  • Clicking on "show more" would shift to 20 transfers per page, and clicking on "show less" would change to 5 transfers per page.
  • This setting is then remembered for you on this specific device and per page and for each specific page. This gives you the ability to choose how many records/lines you would like to work with on each specific page and on each device. 

The easiest and most powerful way to find your way around the application is to use the search functionality, filtering, and pagination placed on top of every page. Below we will explain every page separately regarding the filtering/search options:

The filtering feature on the 'Transfers' page will allow you to filter on Only Selected/Not Selected, Groups, Transfers, Status of Transfers, Destination Connection, and Source Connection. Furthermore, you can search via the search field.

  • Only Selected / Not Selected: Clicking the "check-mark" icon will give you the possibility to sort by only selected not selected
  • Groups: Clicking the "groups" icon will give you the possibility to search and filter on the name of the group
  • Transfers: Clicking the "schedules" icon will give you the possibility to search and filter on the name of the schedules
  • Transfer Status: By choosing from the  "transfer status" dropdown menu lets you choose to filter on implementing, testing, ready, live, archived, not archived
  • Source Connection: Clicking the "source connection" allows you to filter on the source connection, showing you all transfers transferred from this particular data source.
  • Destination Connection: Clicking on "destination connection" allows you to filter on destination connection, showing you all transfers that are transferred from this particular data source.
  • Search: Use the search field for free search
Selecting one or multiple transfers

  • When you click the checkbox it will select all transfers on the current page. You will also be able to deselect all on the current page. You can go to the next page and either select specific or all transfers on the next page - or deselect them all again. 
New transfer

  • Creating a new transfer is done by clicking the 'New' button. The fields 'Code' and 'Description' in the 'General' section are mandatory for the transfer to be saved.
Copy to service (only edit rights)

  • If you would like to copy one or more transfers to another service, select the transfers via the select-checkbox 
     TIP: use the filter to filter out your transfers and then select them
  • Choose a service from the drop-down to the left of the 'copy to service' button
  • Click the 'Copy to Service' button to copy your transfer to the chosen service
  • Please note: This feature is only visible if you as a user have edit rights
Change status (only edit rights)

  • You can change the status on one transfer, multiple or all transfers on the current page, and on the following pages. 
  • If you would like to change the status of one or more transfers, selected those transfers you wish to change by clicking the checkbox (either on a specific transfer or the 'select all' checkbox above the transfer list) (alternatively you can also use the filter to filter out your transfers and then select them) 
  • Choose the status from the drop-down to the left of the 'change status' button
  • Click the 'change status' button to change the status of the selected transfers
  • Please note: This feature is only visible if you as a user have edit rights
Color codes for transfer status

Implementing (color: red): This will be the initial status of your transfer. It indicates that you are in the process of setting it up and still working on this transfer.

Testing (color: orange):
The next status after implementing will be testing. Setting the transfers to this status means you are testing it.

Ready (color: blue):
This status means that you are done testing the transfer and either you have or your client has accepted the transfer. The 'ready' status means that the transfer is ready to use. 

Live (color: green):
This is a special status as you cannot change your transfer to or from this status manually. For a transfer to have the status 'live', it requires that the transfer is on a schedule. 
The system will automatically set the transfer to live when

  1. it is on a schedule (and the schedule is not 'Stopped') and
  2. the transfer is enabled.
When you disable the transfer or delete the schedule the status for the transfer will change to 'Ready'.

Archived (color: grey): This status you may like to use when you e.g. have made a copy of the transfer for reference purposes or later use.

Change Enabled

  • You can change selected Transfers to be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' or 'Toggle' between either 'Enabled' or 'Disabled'.
  • Select the Transfer(s) you wish to change and choose from the options in the drop-down either 'Enabled', 'Disabled' or 'Toggle.
  • Choosing 'Enabled' will enable the selected Transfer(s), Choosing 'Disabled' will disable the selected Transfers(s). The 'Toggle option will toggle between either Enabled or Disabled. For example, if you have an enabled transfer it will change it to disabled and on the other hand, if you have a disabled transfer it will be changed to enabled. This is convenient if you have multiple Transfers you would like either to be enabled or disabled. 
Change Group

  • You can change the Group of selected Transfers
  • Select the Transfer(s) you wish to change and choose a group from the drop-down and click 'Change Group' and the chosen group will be applied to the selected Transfer(s) 
Delete All

  • You can delete all selected Transfers
  • Select the Transfer(s) you wish to delete and click 'Delete All' and all the selected Transfer(s) will be deleted. This is convenient if you have multiple Transfers you would like to delete in a quick way.
JSON Import

  • To use the import feature please select a JSON file and then click the 'import' button.
  • When the JSON file is imported it will show you how many have been imported and how many it has skipped if they already exist (in the message area on top of the page)
  • After the import, the filter is set to 'Only Selected' to have an immediate view of the transfers imported.
JSON Export

  • The export feature is available under each Tab (Dashboard, Transfers, Schedules, etc.)
  • If you would like to export your entire setup to JSON you can do so via the 'Dashboard'
  • If you go to each Tab (Transfers, Schedules, Groups, Connections, etc.) you will export all your transfers to a JSON file
  • If you only would like to export only specific transfers select the transfers and the click then 'JSON' button 
Print PDF

  • The print feature is available under each Tab (Dashboard, Transfers, Schedules, etc.)
  • If you would like to export and download your entire setup to pdf you can do so via the 'Dashboard'
  • If you go to each Tab (Transfers, Schedules, Groups, Connections, etc.) you will download the setup for this specific area
  • If you only would like to print or export specific transfers select the transfers and the click then 'pdf' button 
Transfer List

  • When clicking on the "Transfers" tab, you first see a list of all your transfers.
  • Directly from the list, you can: 
    • select or unselect one or more specific transfers
    • clicking on the transfer code will filter on this transfer
    • see which transfers are enabled or disabled
    • write a comment
    • go to the Runs, Log, RTI, or Schedules
    • delete a transfer (if the transfer is disabled)
Copy Transfer

  • You can copy a transfer (and give it a new name at the same time).
  • To copy a transfer, go to the transfer you want to copy, click the [+] button to fold down the menu for the transfer, you enter the new name in the text field to the left of the "copy" button; then you press the 'copy' button. You will be placed in edit mode on the new transfer (the copy). You can now continue to edit the new transfer - give it a new description, etc.
Copy to Service

  • If you have access to two or more Rapidi services, then you can also copy a transfer to another service. Use the same procedure as above, but in addition, select the target service for the copy in the drop-down list (to the left of the 'copy to service' button).
Transfer Details

Below the information available for each transfer: